Monday, April 18, 2022

SIMPLE ECONOMICS 101                                       

 By R. W. Touchton  (April 15th, 2022)

Gas prices increased in March 2021 - Administration's agenda of Global Warming 

Inflation: 2. ECONOMICS: a general increase in prices and a fall in the purchasing value of money. "policies aimed at controlling inflation" (1)

The Administration pandered to “The Green New Deal” when the President signed to cease construction of the Keystone Pipeline and three months, by March 2021, after the Biden administration took office, gas prices rose to 7.0%, 11 months before Putin rained havoc on Ukraine, on February 24, 2022. The Biden administration is telling the public that Putin is the reason for the gas price's increase to sky-high. If Putin affected the gas prices, then it was when the gas prices hit a 10.0% increase (2).

If the pandemic caused the gas increase, what happened in 2020 and 2021? The gas prices were at all times low! Most people worked from home during the pandemic and many businesses were closed, so why the gas prices were so low, and the demand was down?  

The reason for inflation is that everything comes to us by trucks. Since 2004, diesel prices surpassed gasoline prices, and now trucker fuel prices now even higher now since most of the trucking industry runs on diesel. The gasoline price is now (as of 04/12/2022) an average in the US. 4.09 but the average diesel price today (4/12/2022) is at 5.07 a gallon. (2)

Higher prices are now in the grocery stores because the trucks are charging higher prices to compensate for gas prices. The farmers are paying higher prices for fuel for the equipment they use and therefore the cost is passed on to the consumer via the prices of inflation, hence, higher prices in the grocery stores.  

So, because of the "Dominos effect", all cost of inflation results from the gas prices going sky high. The explanation for Grocery stores having empty shelves in a lot of their product is because oil is the lifeblood of our world today. Although Climate Change seems to be important, it can cut off the blood life of the Global Community.  

I and many other people don’t think the world is ready to give up oil and use electric vehicles and windmills as an alternative for electricity.   


(1)      Definitions from Oxford Languages 

(2)      Fox News Graphic.

(3)      Https://