Monday, January 30, 2023



by R. W. Touchton

Some say that Donald Trump was chosen by God to be President during a time of need.  We don’t know that for sure, but what we do know is that Trump’s Presidency has awakened a sleeping giant, in that we’ve been blatantly shown just how genuinely intolerant the country is for each other.   By that, I mean one side who taught tolerance is now not only intolerantly and violently rebuked Trump but also those who elected him as the 45th President.

If God had a part in Trump's election, we see where He’s showing us how bigoted we are with each other. Although we think that we’ve progressed as a loving nation, one that has opened our arms to others in the World, God is showing us we are only hypocrites in those beliefs. Often the screams of “race, race, race” are the mantras of the day, but we’re shown that individuals of the same race are tormenting each other by political means, too.

I was observing a website where pictures were displayed, showing many of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, then I discovered they used President Trump’s image to represent Dan, one of the sons of Jacob. I then thought, hmm, and remembered what Jacob said about Dan in Genesis, and instantly got what the person was stating.

So, I reread the story in Genesis where Jacob called his sons together to tell them what will happen to them in the days to come.

Gen 49:1

         And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.

And when Jacob came to Dan, he said:

Gen 49:16-17

(16) Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel.

(17) Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels so that his rider shall fall backward.

There Dan is described so well in verses 16 & 17and that President Trump’s picture was used to represent this son of Jacob. It hit me like a BIG FAT BILLBOARD statement that almost knocked me out of my chair. I was instantly reminded of the unadulterated hell that this country had been through over the last several years, as many congressional representatives on both sides of the aisle have fallen backward from what they were elected to do. Trump’s actions and mannerisms made several of them cringe like he was a serpent in their path.  These actions have made many of “we the people” respond as well.

Trump certainly has made our Congress, the rider, fall backward because the only work done during Trump's administration has been by the Executive and the Legislative Branches of our Government. This has shown many of us, “we the people,” just how truly intolerant we are. Instead of the essential things our Congress should do, the time has been wasted on how “bad this President Trump has been,” although his actions have spoken louder than their words.

For example, the economy is so much better than it has been in so many years, and so many government restraints and regulations previously laid on the country have since been removed by 45; giving us the feeling of freedom of making America Great Again. The 45th President is certainly like Dan, whose Hebrew name means JUDGE, but not so much a Judge of right and wrong, instead of in the sense of a Biblical leader of the people. Samson, whose name means Sunlight, was the last of these Judges who saved Israel and sacrificed his own life in doing so.

How uncanny it is when the Bible, which speaks for all times, has once again shown a light on man’s imperfections? If our government included God in their decisions as our forefathers did, then today, we would not be suffering these times of hatred and lack of love for the values on which our country was built.